Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Basement .......

Okay, so I can't really re-do the whole basement for nearly nothing, but I can sure try! AND fortunately for me, my husband has 'somewhat' jumped on board to see how much we can do with as little as possible. Again, it's not just about being on the cheap .. it's about the challenge of creating something from nearly nothing!

When we moved in, the basement was a fairly livable, finished space, but over time and a few floods, we began again. At the moment, it's a progress of stages. I began by dividing the room (very bowling ally-like space) in half with a hutch and bookcase. My husband had gotten a sprayer a while back and was really wanting to try it out so he began to paint or I should say spray the ceiling (it had a drop ceiling before) white. About a quarter of the way into spraying, it all went kaput! So, out with the sprayer and me on top of a ladder painting it with a brush - boy were my neck and arms sore. Thought I would never be able to look up again!

With the ceiling done in white and it having steel beams and basically plywood, it needed some help. A faux finish was OBVIOUSLY necessary and off I was to scrounge up something to help me make that happen! Back I was with a shower poof, paint, duct tape and a pole. Soon the pole and duct tape were history. I was trying to save my arms and neck, but the poof wouldn't stay on the stick, no matter how much duct tape. So, back on the ladder again!

Of course, the make-shift, hutch/bookcase wall lead into a real wall, with a door in the middle. The floor, also, got painted and soon it will be a completed room!

This is just the first stage of this re-do. More to come ... bedroom, bathroom, kitchen ... yep, more to come, not quite sure how that will be done for nearly nothing, but you never know!

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